Meet the ExecuCorg Team


Ms. Maki Boo @Corginista

Chief ExecuNoms Officer

I was made in: OklaCorgma

Sign: Capricorn

Favorite Expressions: Disapproval Face and crazy nom eyes

Drool worthy noms: Sardines and broccoli

I will never be seen without: Some sort of fashion statement...usually bandanas and tutus.

Secret talent: I can hear and smell treat bags being opened from super far away

Mr. Cote @mylemoncorgi

Chief MomoBarketing Officer

I was made in: Corgifornia

Sign: Pisces

Favorite thing to do: Chase bubbles and mysterious red dots that magically appear.

Drool worthy noms: Filet mignon prepared perfectly from my in-house chef "Le NuWave."

Never leave home without: 3 Kong squeaky balls, a chuck-it, water bottle, lucky leash, and a whole bunch of poop bags. I'm a Master Poop Machine.

Secret talent: I can catch kibble from across the room and hide treats that NO ONE can find.

Ms. Buttons @dailydoseofbuttonscorgi

Chief Frapnancial Officer

I was made in: Corgifornia

Sign: Aquarius

Favorite thing to do: Lay by the water fountain to have a drink.  Frapping requires serious hydration!

Drool worthy noms: Scrambled eggs and kibble.

I will never be seen without: My flower collar

Secret talent: Herding extraordinaire.  I herd turkeys and my hoomins on a regular basis.

Mr. Bubba Bruster @bubbabruster

CorgMan of the Board

I was made in: Hotlanta

Sign: Libra

Favorite thing to do: Melt in your arms.  Hey girl hey…

Drool worthy noms: Errrryyythang

I will never be seen without: My swagger

Secret talent: Melting

Mr. Gryffindor aka Gryffin @Gryffincorg

Head of CrEATive and Dogsign

I was made in: Corgifornia

Sign: Aquarius

Favorite thing to do: Reserving the best spots on the sofa for myself and long walks on the beach.

Drool worthy noms: Cheese!!

I will never be seen without: My Mahm - I have to follow her like a very short shadow.

Secret talent: Workin' the meerkat / sit pretty pose for the ladies.

Mr. Winston Howl @CorgiButtsThree

I was made in: Texoma. Texas or Oaklahoma? Who knows

Sign: Virgo

Favorite thing to do: Follow you and try to trip you. I succeed at tripping my Mahm multiple times a day.

Drool worthy noms: Whatever you will share with me

I will never be seen without: My smile and my tail flag

Secret talent: I'm a retired Therapy Dog, come snuggle with me baby

Ms. Malibu @CorgiButtsThree

I was made in: Cali Gurl!!

Sign: Pisces

Favorite thing to do: Sleep all day e'er day

Drool worthy noms: Put out a nice cheese plate and I am there!!

I will never be seen without: A snuggly bed-did I mention how much I like to sleep

Secret talent: I can play dead like nobody's business - don't wake me.

Mr. Timmy, aka Tiny Tim @CorgiButtsThree

I was made in: That's for me to know and you to find out

Sign: Pisces

Favorite thing to do: Slyly take the little hoomins food

Drool worthy noms: CHEERIOS!!

I will never be seen without: My side eye glare

Secret talent: I'm stealthy as furk baby!